(HKPCA Show)
鉴于近日深圳市疫情反复, 为配合疫情防控工作, 组委会在充分听取各方部门意见,及经反复商讨和慎重考虑后决定:原定于2022年7月5-7日举办的第二十届国际电子电路(深圳)展览会将延期至2022年12月7-9日,举办地点不变。
最后,请大家务必注意安全,我们期待在12月的HKPCA展会上与您相见,共同创造一场精彩的行业盛会。请继续通过展会官方网站:www.hkpcashow.org以及微信公众号 “国际电子电路深圳展会” 浏览最新展会信息,敬请关注!
Rescheduling of
International Electronics Circuit Exhibition (Shenzhen)
Dear Valued Exhibitors, Visitors and Partners,
In response to the recent spread of COVID-19 in Shenzhen and stringent precautionary measures being imposed, the organizing committee, after serious and careful consideration has decided to make this difficult decision to reschedule the 20th International Electronics Circuit Exhibition (Shenzhen) from July 5-7, 2022 to December 7-9, 2022. The show venue will remain unchanged.
Having a meaningful event as well as ensuring the health and safety of exhibitors and visitors are always our top priority. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by these unforeseen circumstances and would like to express our gratitude to all exhibitors, industry associations and visitors for their continuing support and trust in us during these challenging times. The organizing committee will continue to work closely with all relevant parties to hold a safe, orderly and efficient exhibition for the PCB industry in December.
Meanwhile, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you at the HKPCA Show in December and creating a splendid industry event together. For all latest show updates, please continue to visit the official website at www.hkpcashow.org and official WeChat at “PCB_SMT”.
Organizing Committee of International Electronics Circuit Exhibition (Shenzhen)
27 June 2022