2022 国际电子电路(深圳)展览会 (HKPCA Show) 延期通知
鉴于全国各地疫情严峻,深圳市防疫部门近日再收紧疫情防控措施,为全力配合有关防疫部门的要求,组委会很遗憾地宣布:原定于2022年12月7-9日在深圳国际会展中心(宝安)举行的 “国际电子电路(深圳)展览会 (HKPCA Show)” 将延期举行,具体时间将另行通知。
虽然目前安排在线下会面仍具有挑战, 但在这过渡期间, HKPCA会继续凭借我们在线路板行业的经验来筹办线上展会,目前逾600多家企业已在线上亮相,为您展示数千种创新产品及技术, 将商机扩展至全球。
此外,为了让参展商和业内精英保持联系,HKPCA将继续举办线上活动, 包括每月的在线研讨会,以及将推出全新线上商业交流活动。我们希望这些线上活动能为这过渡时期提供帮助,在实体展会举行前创造商机。
在各方的支持和努力下,我们相信疫情终会有过去的一天。愿我们风雨同路,携手共进, 在不久的将来相聚于HKPCA Show。最新展期及展会信息将通过展会官方网站: www.hkpcashow.org 以及微信公众号 “国际电子电路深圳展会” 发布,敬请关注。
Rescheduling of
2022 International Electronics Circuit Exhibition (Shenzhen)
(HKPCA Show)
Dear Valued Exhibitors, Visitors and Partners,
In response to the increasing Covid cases within China, the Shenzhen government has tightened the restrictions and precautionary measures policy. In order to adhere to the newly implemented restrictions and policies, the organizing committee regrets to announce that the 2022 International Electronics Circuit Exhibition (Shenzhen) (HKPCA Show) will be rescheduled with new Show Dates to be announced later.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to exhibitors, visitors, industry associations and partners for your strong continuous support and trust in us.We would like to urge all honoured exhibitors to make immediate rescheduling arrangements. The organizing committee will continue to communicate closely with all relevant parties and strive to hold quality exhibition for the PCB industry in the near future.
While meeting you in person maybe challenging at the moment, as an interim measure, HKPCA will continue to leverage on our experience in the PCB industry to organize the virtual HKPCA Show. More than 600 exhibitors are now available with thousands of innovative products and technologies to serve you and expand the business connection worldwide.
To enable exhibitors and peers to continue to stay connected, other virtual events like our monthly PCB webinars along with new online business networking activities will be launched. We hope these online programs can provide some interim help and will be designed to help industry peers to network and create business opportunities before our annual physical PCB Show which we hoped can be held again soon.
With your ongoing support and efforts, we believe that the tough times and all barriers will eventually be overcome. May we strive ahead together as we look forward to reuniting with you at the HKPCA Show in person very soon. For the new show dates and related show updates, please stay tuned and visit our official website at www.hkpcashow.org and the official WeChat at “PCB_SMT”.
Organizing Committee of International Electronics Circuit Exhibition
28 November 2022